About me:

(I’m the one in the background, in the vest, with the beard.)


I was in a band for years (Cutthroat Shamrock). We played bunches of shows all over the country. I did all the art, stickers, t shirts, albums, posters, merch, ect. It was tons of fun. The other members of the band had nicknames, I did not. I started joking around that I was “The Dread Pirate Benjamin” (this was a nod to The Princess Bride’s Dread Pirate Roberts).

The art stuffs started way before that. I was given the “best artist” award when I was in 1st grade. When I was just a pup, a grownup told me to “enjoy your imagination while you can, cause when you grownup, it will go away”. This TERRIFIED me. So for years, everyday, I would practice my imagination. I did this till I grew up, realizing I had not really grownup, but instead became a professional child.

This became a handy trait to have while on stage with the 132band. Later in life it became an even handier trait, as I became a father. Then to top off the whole packIMG_20141109_144443age, Youth Ministry. After I retired from the band I decided I wasn’t dread any longer. I was still a pirate, just not dread. I had a name change at that point and the title Reverend was added (RevPirate).

Where I am now:

Today I work as a sound guy, a worship leader, and youth pastor. This art stuff, I do all the time anyway, so i figured why not make some money with it.

So, If you need something drawn up. Let me know. I would love to work with you.


RevPirate Benjamin